Costa Lindt Hot Chocolate Review

On Saturday I decided to try the Costa Lindt hot chocolate after seeing Costa had released it as part of their Christmas drinks collection. Being a massive Lindt fan, I knew I had to try it!

I’d read that the hot chocolate was a smaller size but I wasn’t prepared for just how small it was. It look quite frankly slightly ridiculous compared to the large toasted marshmallow chocolate that was ordered with it. Nevertheless, I didn’t mind as it arrived in the cute Christmas cup and I was preparing myself for a Lindt chocolate explosion.


The hot chocolate was very rich and thick. To be honest, I struggled to distinguish the Lindt flavour. It tasted like someone had tried to make a hot chocolate but used too much powder and not enough liquid. In my head I had visualised the Lindt Lindor Balls in the form of a hot chocolate so perhaps it was my own imagination which was the source of the disappointment. The drink was more like a very thick, dark hot chocolate.


Overall, I wouldn’t bother ordering the Lindt hot chocolate. At £2.95 and being a size smaller than their normal small size, it is very expensive. I enjoyed the toasted marshmallow Costa hot chocolate far more and I won’t be ordering the Lindt hot chocolate again.

Rating 2/10



2 thoughts on “Costa Lindt Hot Chocolate Review

  1. Completely agree, found your review through google to see if it was just the Costa I went to. Tastes nothing like the Lindt we all know and love, avoid disappointment and dont bother.


  2. I agree. Was very disappointed with the Lindt hot chocolate as it just tasted like a normal hot chocolate. It was also very expensive considering the size of it.


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